
Posts Tagged ‘outsource’

Other’s Energy – Ways to Leverage Yourself

June 25, 2010 1 comment

Greek philosopher Archimedes once said, “Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I can move the world.” This principle applies to you as well. In order to get the very most out of yourself, you must leverage your strengths and abilities. Leverage is the key to achieving vastly more than you could on your own. Essentially, there are seven ways to leverage yourself.

Other People’s Energy

The first form of leverage is Other People’s Energy. Highly effective people are always looking for ways to delegate and outsource lower value activities so that they have more time to do the few things that give them the highest payoff.

6 Ways to Simplify your Professional Life

January 29, 2010 Leave a comment

beach lifeOne of the foundational principles is that of Simplification. The Law of Complexity – “Every additional step in a process increases the complexity of the process geometrically.” – underscores the importance of simplifying plans and systems aimed at solving problems and achieving goals. This same principle applies in our personal and professional lives.

Essentially, there are six ways to simplify your professional life:

1. Delegate

Focus your time and energy on your high value tasks; those that yield the greatest return. First, identify those tasks which you and only you can do. Second, identify those tasks that merit paying someone your hourly rate – or your desired hourly rate. Now concentrate on these tasks, delegating the rest.

2. Outsource

Outsourcing is a form of delegation. If you have determined that a task should be delegated but do not have anyone on staff to whom you can delegate it, look for a company or individual that is in the business of providing this service. For example, one company outsourced it’s payroll to a company that specialises in this important aspect of business. This shields it from the responsibility of keeping abreast of the constantly changing labour laws and from performing the myriad of filings required at both the national and state level, allowing its accounting department to focus on what it does best – tracking and analysing its financial performance. Read more…